Besides HubIS reports and dissemination through workshops with farmers and managers, technical notes and sheets have been produced during the HubIS projects. They are listed in deliverable D6.7 and openly accessible here. The list below is not exhaustive:

  • Tutoriel de construction d’un capteur Pilowtech (Haouaria, French)
  • Tutoriel de construction du système WatAr (Crau, French)
  • Tutoriel de construction du capteur de hauteur connecté (Crau, French)
  • Optimización del Fertirriego en un Cultivo de Fresa usando BeirrigLabs (Huelva, Spanish)
  • Buenas prácticas agrarias para el riego sostenible de los frutos rojos (Huelva, Spanish)
  • Sensores Watermark para apoio a calendarizaçao da rega (Lucefecit, Portuguese)
  • Guia para a implementaçao da regar deficitaria (Lucefecit, Portuguese)
  • Algunas lecciones de la investigacion reciente (Genial-Cabra, Spanish)