The project internal reports are available here.

1st period (October 2020 – April 2022)

D1.3 First technical report

D1.1 Project Implementation Plan

D1.2 Data Management Plan

D2.1 Site-iHub guidelines

D2.2 Site-iHub implantation Plan

D3.1 Fab-Lab concept note and guidelines

D4.1 Guidelines: Methods for RAP and Performance Indicators Matrix

D5.1 List and description of innovations to be tested at the district level

D5.2 List and description of innovations to be tested at the field and farm level

D5.3 Methodology for innovation follow-up

D6.1 Exploitation and Dissemination plan

2nd period (May 2022 – September 2023)

Second technical report

D2.3 Site-iHubs progress reports

D2.4 Med-iHub Web Platform guidelines

D3.2 Mid Term Irrigation Fab-Labs Report

D4.2 Irrigation performance baselines and benchmarking analysis

D5.4 Data used for innovation assessment at each site

D6.1 Exploitation and Dissemination plan

D6.2 Report+GIS layers agroclimatic zoning

3rd period (October 2023 – September 2023)

D1.4 Final report

D3.3 Final Irrigation Fab-Labs Report

D4.3 Performance Evaluation report

D5.5 Following-up of innovation process

D6.3 Report about innovation impacts at Mediterranean level

D6.5 Regional conference proceedings

D6.6 Submitted scientific papers

D6.7 Fact-sheets, technical notes